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Lifetime Achievement Award

At every Segmenting symposium the Board of Directors awards a lifetime achievement award to someone in the segmenting community that has had a significant influence in the advancement of the art and craft of segmented woodturning. The board is proud to announce the 2022 recipient, Curt Theobald from Pine Bluffs, Wyoming.

Curt has a long list of achievements which include teaching at many of the top schools in both the U.S. and internationally demonstrating at numerous AAW, regional, and international symposiums having his artwork in many private collections, museums, and galleries. He has received countless awards including the Niche award and his work can be seen in numerous books and publications. Curt is always pushing the boundaries of segmented design and we are lucky to have him inspire us.

Curt was also a founding board member of the Segmented Woodturners chapter which started 2009 shortly after attendees at the first highly successful segmenting symposium voted to become a chapter of the AAW.

Curt has been involved in segmented turning since the 1990's. During his long segmenting career, he has become a renowned teacher, demonstrator, and gallery artist. He is well known for his focus on highly precise work with glue joints that are almost unnoticeable in addition to his very appealing forms. Anyone who has taken a class with Curt knows that good form, proper grain direction, quality wood selection, and tight rings will be a focus of his teaching. He is always willing to share is knowledge with aspiring segmenters.

The award will be presented during the symposium banquet on September 24,2022.

Congratulations Curt on this well-deserved honor.

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