Grant Program

Segmented Woodturners Grant Program

Board approval: August 19, 2019 

  1. Overview
    Grants are awarded once each year at the discretion of the board of directors.  The number of grants awarded will be based on the worthiness of applications received and budgetary constraints. The board of directors will serve as the grant review committee and only applications receiving the highest rating will be awarded a grant.  Awards will be based on the ability of the applicant to meet the objectives of the grant program, and the willingness of an applicant to share any knowledge gained.  
  2. Program Objectives
    1. Support initiatives that expand and enrich segmented woodturning as both a craft and art form.  
    2. Provide means where awareness and interest in segmenting will be increased within local chapters, the community, schools, and other non-profit organizations.   
  3. Rules for Grant applications
    1. Grants must be submitted by a member of the Segmented Woodturners chapter of the AAW. The grant can be for a personal project or supporting an organization involved in segmenting education.  The recipient does not need to be a member of the chapter if it is sponsored by a member.
    2. All grants will be awarded by December 1 for the following year and any funds awarded must be used during the next calendar year. Applications for grants will only be accepted between August 1 and October 15. Applications received outside this timeframe will be rejected and applicants asked to resubmit during the open submittal period.
    3. Recipients of grants will be notified by December 1 and must acknowledge acceptance of the grant within 30 days of the notification.
    4. The maximum grant for an individual is $250. Grants for community outreach initiatives are $500
    5. Please submit only ONE grant application per individual or organization per year. 
  4. Grant Guidelines
    The following guidelines have been drafted to assist members who are interested in applying for a grant.

    1. Include a well written and specific description of how the funds will be used.
    2. Community outreach programs will receive special attention.
    3. Include a budget that details the cost of the project and your personal contribution buy diazepam 1000 including both financial and time.
    4. If the application is for an individual grant, specify how the benefits from the grant will be used to expand segmented turning knowledge.
    5. If the grant request is for a third-party organization like a school, senior center, or club. The check will be made out to that organization.  Please specify the organization’s name as the recipient.
    6. The benefit to segmenting could include contributions to the Segmented Woodturners Chapter. These incudes, posting educational material, volunteer work, etc. 
  5. Requirements upon completion of the grant
    Recipients of grants will be given one year from the grant award date to use the funds for the objectives as set forth in the submitted proposal. A summary report detailing how the funds were used and how it helps to advance segmented woodturning must also be presented to the SWT President by Feb 1 of the year following the year of the award.  Include receipts documenting and justifying full reimbursement of the grant amount should be included along with the submitted report.
  6. Grant Payout
    50% of the funds awarded will be paid in January after the grant winners are announced.  Within 60 days after the final report is submitted, it will be reviewed by the board to validate that the grant was used for the stated purpose.  The second 50% of the grant award will then be issued if the original intent of the grant is met.
  7. Grant Applications
    For your convenience, grants can be submitted as an email, or word document but the following 11 questions must be answered in the order shown. 
    1. Name:
    2. Email address:
    3. Phone:
    4. Who is the grant for (list yourself or the organization you are sponsoring)?
    5. Amount of grant applying for.
    6. Describe the intended purpose of the grant
    7. Describe the expected educational outcomes from the funds provided.
    8. Reason for applying for this grant.
    9. Describe your personal contributions to the project.
    10. Please provide a brief itemized budget for the project this grant will be used for.
    11. Who should the check be made out too if awarded?

Email: Al Miotke