Retired math and technology teacher, Website developer, soccer coach, recumbent trike rider who created numerous woodworking and home remodeling projects over the years because I liked working with my hands and wood, also to save money. It all started on the farm while in FFA building a gate, hog and cattle feeders and a cattle shed. Have done everything from remodeling a 1905 house, 3 kitchens, Christmas presents, bunk beds, desks, stools and more. Some of my projects are on under socrbent ( I’m spending more time in my basement shop each year making items for our home, gifts for family and items for the shop.
My Dad taught me to turn with a walnut lamp when I was 15 on an old Sears lathe for a 4H project . Inherited his Shopsmith when I was 55 and got back into turning. Upgraded to a Nova DVR XP six years ago. Got into segmented turning a couple of years ago. The Seg Easy method has really helped make that work along with YouTube videos like Captn Eddie, Alan Stratton Carl Jacobson, Mike Waldt, Mike Peace, Sam Angelo Al Furtado and especially Stuart Batty.
Angico, Walnut, Maple
Walnut and Maple
Segmenting Jigs
Angle Top Large tops
Cherry Bowl and Utensils Spalted Maple
Basement Shop
Lathe and Planer Wood Rack and Jointer
Sharpening Station, Grinder, Router Table, and Air Compressor Work Bench (incomplete)
Storage Mortiser, Disk and Belt Sander, Jig Saw, Oscillating Sander
TV and Grandfathers Planes Planer, Band Saw, Drill Press
Dust Deputy, Table Saw Storage in Ceiling
Nice story and what a clean, organized shop Gene. You’ve set the bar high for me, lol!! Thanks for sharing!