Pete Marken

Originally from Brooklyn NY, currently living in Calera Alabama about 25 miles south of Birmingham.

Retired from the automotive manufacturing industry.

I have been a woodturner for over 25 years and became a segmented enthusiast about ten years ago. This includes standard segmented pieces as well as open segmenting and twister style pieces. My current workload consists of a 50/50 split of traditional turnings and segmented.

I am currently branching out to teaching both styles of turning. I find it invigorating sharing the joy of turning wood.

I am particularly proud of the finish on my pieces and spend the extra time and effort to achieve a high gloss finish. The finishes that I typically use are spray-on lacquer, MinWax wipe on poly and General Finishes WoodTurners Finish (water-based poly). The technique is the same for all of them.

 Here are some steps that I use in finishing my pieces.

  • Usually sand wood to 320 grit
  • Apply several coats of sanding sealer and/or grain filler
  • Sand back with 320 grit
  • Apply 8 or more coats of finish – with MinWax I use 4 or 5 coats of gloss and 4 coats of satin on top for a softer finish
  • Allow to fully cure about one week
  • Wet sand with Micromesh (all grits) for a gloss finish or the first 7 for a satin finish.
  • Final buffing is done with a 3” lambswool (Velcro backed) buffing pad and 3M Fitness It polishing compound.


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February 2025