Rick Smith

I first was introduced to woodturning in 7th grade by the industrial arts teacher, as they were called back then. Mr Tobias turned some beautiful bowls to show us and I was hooked. During that year I made the usual what-not’s learning to turn. Fast forward to 10th grade I turned a 15 in. diameter bowl for my class project out of mahogany. [picture enclosed] My Mother served food for big get together  for many years using that bowl. When she passed, several years ago, I brought it home for my Wife to use. I was 16 when I turned the bowl and I’m 68 now! Turning took a back seat naturally for the next few years, military service, working for my Dad in his electrical contracting business and looking for my Wife!I found her and married in ’71. My Wife bought me my first wood lathe for my 26th birthday[Sears 24’’] and I was hooked all over again. Through the years I went from Sears, to Grizzly, to my Powermatic 3520b. Actual buy valium by roche 10mg segmented projects started about 15 years ago after seeing some works by Mr. Tibbetts.I purchased his guide to segmented turning and went from there. My brother and I had taken over my Dad’s electrical contracting business about 1976, so my turning was limited up until about 2001 when I built our present house,so I could have a real woodshop! I finally was able to retire a year ago and now between my honey-do list, my hobby orchard and gardening, I’m turning again. There is one bowl of mine on the Segmented Woodturners web site that I turned a few years back. Enclosed are a few more. I’m still learning and experimenting with different methods . The one picture of bowl in progress is of zebra wood,mahogany, black walnut, holly, bloodwood and ebony. It’s the largest project I’ve ever attempted. We’ll see! Well, I guess I’ve rambled on long enough! Looking forward to reading about other turners and learning some new tips.

One Response to “Rick Smith”

  1. Dean says:

    Great story, thank you for sharing.

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February 2025