Steven Reznek

I have been turning since 2001.  As a member of the Lexington Arts and Crafts society, I participated in their gallery displays and shows.  I also have sold through a number of Boston area galleries, including Handworks in Acton, the Cambridge Artists Co-op and the Christmas sale at DeCordova Sculpture and Art Museum in Lincoln.

I have won first place for crafts several times in the Weston Society of Arts and Crafts annual exhibition.  I have had my pieces selected for special exhibition for each of the first three years the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University has had its fall woodturning exhibition.

I am a member of Association of Revolutionary Turners (ART) and Central New England Woodturners (CNEW), chapters of the American Association of Woodturners.  I also am a member of Segmented Woodturners and have contributed several articles to More Woodturning Magazine.  I have demonstrated at the three eastern Massachusetts AAW chapters, the Arnold Arboretum and the Pinkerton Academy in New Hampshire.  I also was one of the supporting demonstrators for Binh Pho at the Fuller Craft Museum.

My work tends to focus on what is termed “segmented” bowls and platters.  The techniques were originally developed by others and used stacked, segmented rings to make wooden replicas of the Indian pots of the Southwest.  I have extended my work to include new approaches using various types of inlays to create new patterns.

Like all woodworkers, I am fascinated by the beauty and complexity or wood.  None of the woods I use have been dyed or stained.  Rather I seek out woods that, when combined in the inlays, contribute interesting textures and patterns.

The articles were originally in Dennis’ More Woodturning Magazine.

Finally, as you can see by my articles and pictures I tend not to do rings as much as I used to do.  I now do a lot of inlays.  I realize that I am swimming against a very strong current.   (I guess could have used a more graphic expression having to do with wind).  But I find it a lot of fun and it is something different.

I thought I would throw in another picture or two of the inlays.  These are in addition to the ones in the gallery.  Maybe I will convert one or two people to join the heretics.


2 Responses to “Steven Reznek”

  1. Dian Pekin says:

    Dear Steve,
    I love your work and keep and give as gifts your amazing creations.
    I organize one or two artisans fairs at First Parish in Concord center each year and would love to have you participate in our upcoming outdoor fair which will be on Saturday, June 11th with a rain date of June 25th. I would be delighted to showcase your works and promote the sale of them. The world is always better when beautiful works are made part of people’s lives.
    I look forward to hearing from you,
    Dian Pekin, Chair
    Summer Artisans Fair
    First Parish in Concord, MA

  2. jeff starr says:


    I am very impressed with your work and would like to learn more. I’ve read your More Woodturning Magazine article which I found quite good. However, I would love to learn more. Are there any videos that you have created that I might be able to watch?



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February 2025