Tom Lohman

Tom Lives in Duluth Minnesota with his wife of 37 years, where he recently retired from a career as an Electrical Engineer in the Power industry.   The Lohman’s also have a 34 year old son who is a senior scientist for a pharmaceutical testing firm.  Tom has been woodworking for more than half of his life then discovered segmented woodturning in 2010 and became hooked after reading Malcolm Tibbetts book.  Since getting involved in segmenting he has been pushing the boundaries of Bowl-from-a-Board Techniques, then both open and closed segmenting with his complex patterns.

When Tom is not in his home shop, you might see him cruising on his Gold Wing Motorcycle or lifting weights.  Tom used to hold the Minnesota bench press record at 440lbs.  Impressive!

Tom’s creations are made in a 12×24 shop which is part of his detached garage.

Tom’s Bowl-from-a-Board demonstration is going to cover designs you have not seen before.  You will see the process he uses to layout and assemble these creative designs.

Here are some BFB designs from previous years

Tom has also developed an assembly fixture that allows him to assemble both open and closed segment patterns that are increasingly complex.  You will see this fixture in person at the symposium during his demonstrations on open segmenting


This fixture, Woodturner Pro, and a lot of creativity has enabled these designs which were created in recent years.  The secrets to Tom’s design and implementation approach will be unveiled in Saint Louis.




6 Responses to “Tom Lohman”

  1. Bob Beaupre says:

    Tom your always pushing the envelope. I really enjoy your work.

  2. Robin Costelle says:

    Wow-This should be a great class! Tom is a true master and what he keeps coming up with is amazing. I’m looking forward to this one. Thanks Tom

  3. Pete Marken says:

    I have always admired Tom for taking projects to the next level. He has been an inspiration to me.

  4. Bill Bulloch says:

    I follow Tom’s every post on YouTube…Looking forward to seeing his secrets unveiled in Saint Louis.

  5. Russ Braun says:

    I caught a bad case of “Tom Lohman” and my life as a Segmenter has changed to amazing ever since! From BFB to amazing lamination work to multi-thousand segment count open and closed segment vessels, this man has personally raised the Segmented Woodturning bar to it’s current lofty height! This should be “cant miss” and on the top of everyone’s demonstration schedule!

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March 2025